Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A to Z Challenge: B(e) Kind 366 - V is for Virtual Hug / W is for With

B(e) Kind 366 is a year long project where I perform an act of kindness (random or otherwise) each day of 2016. Last year I blogged A-Z with lists of potential acts of kindness. If you're interested here's the V list and the W list. A headache got the best of me yesterday so today's post contains two letters.

Yesterday, V was for Virtual Hug. I've been on an emotional roller coaster this week so yesterday was the perfect day for this act of kindness. I posted it on my own personal Facebook and on the profile of a family member who is part of this roller coaster.

Today W is for With - go With and wait With. I went with a colleague to drop off two strangers. It might not have been the smartest thing to do - two women dropping off two unknown men - but we believe in the good in people and went together. Following that little jaunt, we waited with another colleague while she waited for CAA. Her car wouldn't start after our meeting so after we dropped the two gentlemen off we came back to the office and waited with her. 

Stop by my G is for Giveaway post and enter to WIN (one of my favourite W words)!

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